About Rod

Welcome to Plant Power Chronicles – Our Journey to a Plant-Based Life

Bowl of oatmeal with banana and coconut

Hi my name is Rod. I am the creator of Plant Power Chronicles. When we, and by we I mean my wife Leanne and I, started out on this plant-based diet journey we were just to looking to lose some weight and gain some energy. I mean, we tried all the other diet plans, why not this one.

I had been married to Leanne long enough to know that if she was going on a “new” diet, I was going on a “new” diet. Especially if I wanted to eat and I like to eat.

We began telling the people closest to us, family and friends, that we are eating a plant-based diet. We must have grown a third eye because got the strangest looks. Usually followed by an explanation of why they were never going to stop eating meat. We laugh now but at the time it was a little hurtful, although there was no harm meant.

It did cause us to dig in to understand everything we could about plant-based diet and lifestyle. The world we live in is not wired for people who eat plant-based, although changes are happening. Really it is only the beginning, and we only see this way of life gaining momentum.

We have committed to helping beginners transition to a plant-based diet. There are many misconceptions and false information out there that we want you to be armed to debunk, but also having this kind of knowledge will strengthen your convictions.

Meet the Heart of Plant Power Chronicles – About Rod and Family

Leanne and I have been married for thirty years, As a nurse she has always kept an eye toward our health. When we were younger and had four kids at home we were not as concerned with our health as we are now. We hope we are setting a good example for them now.

Our Kids have gave us fourteen beautiful grandkids, who we try to introduce plant-based goodness to them all the time.

We hope to be around many years to enjoy our family. Both of us have had to watch our parents go on to be with the Lord. Their quality of life was greatly diminished the last several years of their life. They were on a shoebox full of medications. My Dad would tell me all the time, whatever you do don’t lose your health.

My wife and I believe in order to live a long life and have optimum health doing it, we must eat a diet that gives us the best chance of doing that. Hippocrates the father of medicine said “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. That sounds good to me.

Join the Plant Power Chronicles – Connect and Grow with Us

We want to give you an invitation to the Plant Power Chronicles community. You will find we support each other in the plant-based lifestyle. You will be informed on trends and new insights. We can all share in the success stories and celebrate them together.

So, come on in, look around, and if you have any questions just ask.

Let’s take this journey together,

Rod and Leanne

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