How To Stock Your Plant-Based Pantry

This is a guide to help you get started with stocking your plant-based pantry. When we started, we had no idea what to shop for let alone what to stock our pantry with. It is our hope that this not only gives you a starting point, but helps you gain confidence to know that you … Read more

Plant-Based Diet And Its Effect On Skin Health

If you’re someone who’s ever felt the post-holiday urge to hit the reset button on your eating habits, Veganuary might just be the ticket. It’s a time when resolutions abound, and for many, that means reevaluating not just what’s on their plate but also how it affects their skin. You’re likely to find Google Trends … Read more

10 Health Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

When Leanne and I started out on this journey it was just about eating healthier, losing some weight, and hopefully gaining more energy. What we found is so much more, but personally these health benefits are worth the journey themselves. If you’re curious about making a change to your diet or you’ve already started to … Read more

About Rod

Welcome to Plant Power Chronicles – Our Journey to a Plant-Based Life Hi my name is Rod. I am the creator of Plant Power Chronicles. When we, and by we I mean my wife Leanne and I, started out on this plant-based diet journey we were just to looking to lose some weight and gain … Read more